LunpaCMS Whipping your website into shape! Introducing Lunpa, our mascot.  Her mother was a hamster and her father was Chilean M00se.  Oddly, neither smelt of elderberries.

Email Script

example_email_action.cgim is a script that comes with LunpaCMS in the /html directory. This is a script that can be copied and modified to send automated emails, such as for a contact form in the website. In order to use it, modify the to_name and to_email to the information for the automated email to be sent to, and the from_name and from_email to what will appear in those fields. Should be something like from_name="Webmaster" and from_email="do_not_reply@<website_name>". Have the from_email set to do_not_reply if this email will not be checked often.

If an email needs to be sent to one or more recipients, use to_list instead of to_name and to_email.
send to one recipient:
to_list=>[ {name=>"Name 1", email=>""} ]
send to two recipients:
to_list=>[ {name=>"Name 1", email=>""}, {name=>"Name 2", email=>""} ]
Also, you can send cc and bcc to one or more recipients using cc_list and bcc_list:
cc_list=>[ {name=>"Name 1", email=>""}, {name=>"Name 2", email=>""} ]
bcc_list=>[ {name=>"Name 1", email=>""}, {name=>"Name 2", email=>""} ]

Email Templates

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Copyright © 2025 Peregrine Computer Consultants Corp. All rights reserved.

About Lunpa, our mascot. Her mother was a hamster and her father was an ill-tempered Chilean M00se. Oddly, neither smelt of elderberries.
The artist is Jennifer Lomax.