LunpaCMS Whipping your website into shape! Introducing Lunpa, our mascot.  Her mother was a hamster and her father was Chilean M00se.  Oddly, neither smelt of elderberries.

LunpaCMS Registration Manager Documentation

A Quick Introduction

For those who put on multiple events through the year, this is the item for you. Here is a clean and clear method for distilling registrations and payments.

Adding an Event

  1. open registration manager in a browser tab
  2. open template manager in a browser tab
  3. under template manager, create a template that describes the event (you can use registration_manager_example_event.template as a base)
  4. under template manager, create a template that will be the application form for the event (you *must* use registration_manager_example_application.template as a base; specifically, the various input fields are required for registration manager functionality)
  5. under registration manager, click on "Add A New Event", enter all pertinent information about the new event and submit the information
  6. click on "List All Events" and find the ID# of the new event
  7. edit the template that describes the event and update the snippet of code that ties in registration manager (:::REGISTRATION:ARGS: registration_id=1 :::) and update the number to the actual ID# of the new event

Managing Multiple Events

All of the events are controlled from the registration manager admin menu. To get to this page, go to the websites admin main page <domain name>/admin and click on "Registration Manager." This will take you to the list of all events that have been created. From this page, you can:

In order to edit the actual registration form or the page that displays the registration link, the templates that were created for those purposes need to be edited.

Inviting Users to an Event

To invite one or more users to an event, click "Invite Users" on the admin event listing page. You will be presented with the option to send to members or all users, or restrict to just those who are not yet registered. You can also send an invitation to a specific email address to review for any formatting issues. Be aware that larger emails will take longer to send, and only use this feature for important announcements to avoid spamming your userbase.

Sending Email Notifications

Admins have the ability to send emails to users or members who have registered for an event. To do this, go to the admin registration manager, locate the event you would like to email, and click "Registrants View." On the next page, select the "Email Registrants" option. This will take you to a page where you can draft an email by entering the subject, body, and you can choose to send to only paid, only unpaid, or both types of members who are registered for an event. You can preview your email by clicking the "Preview" button at the bottom before sending it to make sure it is formatted in the correct way. Note you must use HTML in order for your email to be formatted properly. To send, click "Send Email."

As a courtesy to registrants, it is possible to send automatic reminders one week before and one day before an event is scheduled. To use this feature, you must configure cron to run the following script once daily, at the beginning of the day:


Money Handling

Managing the money for events in registration manager is quite simple. If the users are members, the classes they sign up for will be added to their membership accounts, giving them multiple payment options, by either signing up for several at once and then paying for all of them or paying for them as they go. Prices for classes are set up when you add or edit the class, with various options available for configuration. There can be different fees for members and regular users, or disallow regular users from registering, as well as the ability for cheaper tickets if they sign up early.

If you wish to mark a member as having paid for a class, find the user by going to the admin registration manager page and clicking on registrants view on the event they are signed up for. Once there, you can see if a user/member has paid or not, and by clicking on the link ("Paid" or "Not Paid") you will toggle the opposite status for that person. It will also give you the option of adding a transaction to their membership balance. Deleting a registrant will also trigger adding a transaction to the member's transaction history. Other than those times, all other tweaks to a member's transaction history will have to be done through membership manager.


You can generate a report of each individual event by clicking on the "Registrants Download" link next to each event and saving the .csv file that is generated. You can also generate a list of all users that has just the registration charges and payments associated with each user under their name by clicking "Registration Transaction Report" on the admin registration manager page.


Pre-registration alters the "early registration" period. It makes it so that users aren't charged until the actual registration period begins, at which time the users will be automatically charged and emailed about their payment. Pre-registrations are useful in cases where you are not sure whether the registration numbers will not be enough to cover the cost of an event and can be easily canceled before the event, at which time no one will be charged and there is not a large hassle to get everyone's accounts corrected. To make the early registration period into a pre-registration, simply select the pre-registration checkbox when adding or editing the event.

Sub Events

Registration manager also has the ability to have various settings for different portions of an entire event. For instance, if your event has multiple days or has several classes as a part of the event as a whole, sub events are a way to allow the visitors to your site to register for individual parts of your event quickly and easily. Configuring a multi-day or multi-part event is also easier using sub events than it would be to do multiple entries in registration manager separately.

Managing Sub Events

In order to add, edit or view sub events for a registration entry, you must first add a registration entry into registration manager. The date of the registration event should be on or before the first day of your first sub event, as you will not be able to add sub events that are earlier in time than your main event. After the main event has been added, you can get to the page where you manage the sub events by going the main listing of registrations and clicking the "manage sub events" under "Tools" or by editing the event and clicking "Manage Sub Events" in the registration form. On the manage page, you can add and edit several sub events at once.

Setting Up Application Form for Sub Events

When there are sub events, the :::REGISTRATION_TICKET_QUANTITY::: tag will automatically update with a list of sub events for each attendee to select either the full event or from the list of the sub events. Since registration manager uses templates for the event and application pages, you can display the sub events however you want, however there is a handy built in tag that will display the sub events prices and descriptions (as well as update when changed and inform when it is full) by adding this tag: :::REGISTRATION_SUB_EVENT_INFORMATION:ID:<Reg. ID>::: where <Reg. ID> is the ID of the registration you are configuring the template for.

Sub Events Differences for Users

When a user goes to register for an event with sub events, the process is very much the same and a lot of effort taken to make the user's experience as easy as possible when signing up for multiple days, as well as giving them the ability to go back to a registration and register more events or attendees. Then they can make one payment for all sub events or the additional cost of updating their registration.

Notes About Sub Events

Additional Attendee Fields

Want to add more than just the standard input fields for each attendee on a registration form? Edit the text box on the registration form where it says "Enter the tags for additional fields to be displayed on the attendee form." In order to add input fields, you must use the following tags:

:::REGISTRATION_ATTENDEE_FIELD:VAR:example_variable:ARGS: type=text&label=Example :::
:::REGISTRATION_ATTENDEE_FIELD:REQUIRED:VAR:example_variable2:ARGS: type=select&label=Example Select&options=Option1, Option2 :::
. Note that the space before and after the argument lists are required.

The variable (example_variable and example_variable2 in the example above) is the internal variable for the form input, and must be unique from other inputs. The arguments that these tags take are the following:

You can also add text by adding specific HTML to the field, but this is more advanced and may cause unusual side effects if the instructions are not closely adhered to. This field assumes you are inside the attendee form table, which is 2 columns wide, so if you wish to add more than the tags listed below, format the entries in the following fashion: <tr><td>Example 1</td><td>Example 2</td></tr> Or <tr><td colspan=2>Example Title</td></tr>. Experiment and make sure you check the form before opening registration. Note input fields entered in this manner will not get correctly saved. This functionality is simply for adding additional text for instructions or similar

Other Features

These features are set when adding or editing an event.

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Copyright © 2025 Peregrine Computer Consultants Corp. All rights reserved.

About Lunpa, our mascot. Her mother was a hamster and her father was an ill-tempered Chilean M00se. Oddly, neither smelt of elderberries.
The artist is Jennifer Lomax.