LunpaCMS Whipping your website into shape! Introducing Lunpa, our mascot.  Her mother was a hamster and her father was Chilean M00se.  Oddly, neither smelt of elderberries.

LunpaCMS Site Tools Manager Documentation

A Quick Introduction

Site Tools Manager provides you with a collection of basic tools which help you manage your website. Site Tools Manager includes following tools:

Backup Website Files and Database

This tool allows you to backup your website files and database. Backup files will be saved in <your-domain>/sys/site_backups/ directory. Backup file names are in <your-domain>-<current-date-time>.gz format for the database bakcup and in <your-domain>-sitebackup_<current-date-time>.tar.gz format for file backup.

Following command is used for file backup:
tar zcf <backup-file-path-name> -C <your-directory-root> --exclude=\.svn --exclude=logs --exclude=sys/cached_files --exclude=fcgidsock --exclude=html/cached_files --exclude=sys/site_backups .

Following commands are used for database backup:
mysqldump --skip-set-charset [--events] --opt -u <db-user> -p<db-pw> <db-name> > <backup-file-path-name>
gzip -9 <backup-file-path-name>

Clear Cached Files

This tool allows you to clear cache files. If you choose to clear web cached files, all cached files in <your-domain>/html/cached_files/ directory will be deleted. If you choose to clear system cached files, all cached files in <your-domain>/sys/cached_files/ directory will be deleted.

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About Lunpa, our mascot. Her mother was a hamster and her father was an ill-tempered Chilean M00se. Oddly, neither smelt of elderberries.
The artist is Jennifer Lomax.