LunpaCMS Whipping your website into shape! Introducing Lunpa, our mascot.  Her mother was a hamster and her father was Chilean M00se.  Oddly, neither smelt of elderberries.

LunpaCMS Store Manager Documentation

A Quick Introduction

For customers with multiple locations or wanting to list retail locations of where their products can be purchased.

Related Maps

The following entries in Map Manager are related to Store Manager.

  1. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_VER: Version of store manager.
  3. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_FEATURES: Features of store. Features will show on store create/update form as checkbox to allow multiple features for one store. '|' delimitered string is used as a value of this map. For example, "Fax|Delivery|Online Ordering" is used to define 3 kind of features: Fax, Delivery, and Online Ordering.
  4. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY: This map is required for Google Map API. Google API Key is available at after signed in for the site.
  5. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_GOOGLE_MAPS_CENTER_LATITUDE: Latitude for the default center point of map. Currently latitude for zip code 22030 is set as default.
  6. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_GOOGLE_MAPS_CENTER_LONGITUDE: Longitude for the default center point of map. Currently longitude for zip code 22030 is set as default.
  7. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_GOOGLE_MAPS_WIDTH: Google map width in pixel. Default is set to 650.
  8. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_GOOGLE_MAPS_HEIGHT: Google map height in pixel. Default is set to 460.
  9. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_GOOGLE_MAPS_MARKER_ICON_SCRIPT: Optional JavaScript code snippet for custom marker icon for Google Maps. Below code is an example of custom marker icon for Google Maps. /images/jerrys_marker6.png is used for marker and /images/jerrys_marker_shodow.png is used as marker shadow on this example. Image sizes and coordinates values are depends on actual images.
    var customIcon = new GIcon();
    customIcon.image = "/images/jerrys_marker6.png";
    customIcon.iconSize = new GSize(50, 38);
    customIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(25, 38);
    customIcon.shadow = "/images/jerrys_marker_shadow.png";
    customIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(80, 38);
    customIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(25, 2);
  10. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_LOAD_PAGE_WITHOUT_STORE: If this map is set to 1, map doesn't show any store when the page is loaded.
  11. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_MAX_RADIUS_FOR_SEARCH: Max radius for store search. If not set, default is 20 miles.
  12. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_STATE_ORDER_BY_POPULARITY: If this map is set to 1, states are ordered by store popularity.
  13. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_FIND_TEXT: Text label for Zip Code search form.
  14. LOCAL_STOREMANAGER_STORES_PER_LINE: Stores to show per line.

Following tags are used in templates.

  1. :::STORE_LOCATOR::: - This tag shows Google Map with all stores marked on it. Also, it provide store search form.
  2. :::STORE_LOCATIONS::: - This tag shows store list by state and city. :::STORE_LOCATOR::: tag should be along with this tag.
  3. :::STORE_LOCATOR_GOOGLE_API_CODE::: - This tag must be added where :::STORE_LOCATOR::: tag is used. Google map doesn't work if this tag is not added.

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About Lunpa, our mascot. Her mother was a hamster and her father was an ill-tempered Chilean M00se. Oddly, neither smelt of elderberries.
The artist is Jennifer Lomax.