LunpaCMS Whipping your website into shape! Introducing Lunpa, our mascot.  Her mother was a hamster and her father was Chilean M00se.  Oddly, neither smelt of elderberries.

LunpaCMS Thumbnail Maker Documentation

A Quick Introduction

Creates thumbnails for various managers.

The Basics

Image Resizing Standalone Script

Thumbnail Maker includes a standalone script that can be used to resize images in a terminal. It is called with the command below. Width, height, and source options are required. The script accepts GIF, JPG or PNG images.

./ --width width --height height --source /path/to/source.jpg [--destination /path/to/destination/directory] [--prefix prefix_for_resized_file_name] [--suffix suffix_for_resized_file_name] [--allow-distortion]

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About Lunpa, our mascot. Her mother was a hamster and her father was an ill-tempered Chilean M00se. Oddly, neither smelt of elderberries.
The artist is Jennifer Lomax.